The Earth Giveth, The Earth Taketh Away (Terra Deu, Terra Come, 2010), Rodrigo SiqueiraApril 22, 2010April 22, 2022
Me, the Vynil and the Rest of the World (Eu, o Vinil e o Resto do Mundo, 2010), Lila Rodrigues & Karina AdesApril 14, 2010May 7, 2022
The American Friend (A Amiga Americana, 2009), Ivo Lopes Araújo & Ricardo PrettiFebruary 3, 2010May 25, 20221 Comment
Afternoon Woman (Mulher à Tarde, 2010), Affonso Uchôa; Absence that Moves Us (A Falta Que Nos Move, 2009), Christiane JatahyJanuary 29, 2010May 7, 2022
Like Water Through Stone (A Falta Que Me Faz, 2009), Marília RochaJanuary 28, 2010April 17, 20221 Comment
Road to Ythaca (Estrada para Ythaca, 2010), Ricardo Pretti, Luiz Pretti, Pedro Diógenes & Guto ParenteJanuary 26, 2010May 7, 20223 Comments